20/20 Spiritual Vision by Pastor Kim Montenegro
New Year’s blessings to you at the start of 2020! As we shift our focus from Christmas to the Epiphany season we are looking for something to be revealed. It is fun to think about moving into the new year with a clear vision.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines 20/20 vision as, “A person with 20/20 vision can see what an average individual can see on an eye chart when they are standing 20 feet away.” An eye chart measures visual acuity, which is the clearness or sharpness of vision. The top number is your distance in feet from the chart. The bottom number is the distance at which a person with normal eyesight can read the same line.
Merriam-Webster defines Epiphany as:
1: January 6 observed as a church festival in commemoration of the coming of the Magi as the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles or in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ
2: an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being
(1): a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
(2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
(3): an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
3b: a revealing scene or moment
Over the last week I’ve “misplaced” my glasses, it hasn’t been fun. Things are a little fuzzy, my eyes get tired sooner, and I need to focus harder than normal on things. It is a different perspective for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone this long without my glasses. It’s allowed me to think, what else do I need to see more clearly in my life? What epiphany is God waiting for me to notice that I haven’t had the ability to see clearly yet? I am reminded I am not alone in this when I return to Scripture. I call it 20/20 Spiritual Vision, and sometimes, I am blind. The disciples didn't see clearly that Jesus had to die, or why. Mark 10:33-34 finds Jesus explaining to his disciples – again – that he had come to die.
Again and again, Jesus calls us to feed the hungry, take care of the poor, and prioritize women and children. This year we did something that was not in the tradition of the church and over the month of December collected our Christmas offering. Instead of giving the money to a charity we already support, we supported an organization in our local community. We were able to raise $4,060 to help pay down the student lunch debt at one of our local San Juan schools. I could not be more excited about moving into 2020 with such a clear vision of ways we want to be present in our community. I am delighted to see what the rest of the year brings and hope that your Spiritual Vision becomes even more clear for you. If there is any way I can help you with that through conversation, prayer, or presence please let me know.
Pastor Kim