The Judicial Council by Pastor Kim Montenegro

Dear Fair Oaks Church Family,

As many of you know, Fair Oaks United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation that affirms the value and leadership of every person, including persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This decision was made over twenty-five years ago, and is one that we still affirm. We emphasize this because we are part of a United Methodist denomination that does not affirm LGBTQ relationships. Some days, things look better for an inclusive and affirming church. I particularly feel this way when I see the exciting things that are happening in our local church. But some days things look worse, especially at the 2019 General Conference when a plan, the “Traditional Plan,” was narrowly passed, making our denomination appear to want to penalize people who identify as GLTBQ.

Last week the Judicial Council, the court tasked with reviewing the Traditional Plan passed at the 2019 General Conference, issued its ruling. While many had hoped they would throw out the entire plan, the court issued a split decision.

  • Sections thrown out included loyalty tests for certain leaders; investigations into marital status of candidates for ministry; forcible retirement of progressive bishops; and withholding funds from progressive congregations.

  • Sections kept in include the continued prohibition of LGBTQ persons in ordained ministry; the prohibition of LGBTQ bishops; revisions of the complaints and trials processes; and mandatory minimum penalties for pastors convicted by a trial court of performing same-gender wedding ceremonies.

What this means in practice varies based on where you live.

At FOUMC, nothing changes because our California-Nevada Annual Conference has pledged to not follow those unjust laws. We will continue to offer full pastoral care and presence to all persons, including persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

But for our sibling churches seeking full inclusion in the South or Bible Belt, life just got much worse. This time next year, clergy will be removed from pastoring churches, complaints will not be as easily dismissed, and their more Traditionalist colleagues will be even more distant than before. We cannot forget we are connected with all those seeking a more just church, especially those in risky ministry situations.

I ask that you join me in prayers for what is ahead for our local church, our annual conference, and our denomination.


Pastor Kim Montenegro


Annual Conference News By Pastor Kim Montenegro


New Birth, New Life, and New Beginnings by Pastor Kim Montenegro