From Pastor Kim Montenegro

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Dearest Beloved Community,

I write this to you with so much heaviness in my heart. Over the last week, The United Methodist Church had a Special Session of The General Conference. Normally, this worldwide gathering would only happen every four years, the next one will be in 2020. This Special Session of The General Conference was called to discuss and vote on the official stance of The UMC on the issue of full inclusion of Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered, Bisexual, and Queer folks. This is a gathering of the church from around the globe.

Although it was passed by a narrow margin; The United Methodist Church will maintain its official stance on human sexuality. It strengthened the stance against those who are GLTBQ. It also created harsher punishment for those who preside over GLTBQ marriages. This plan is referred to as the Traditional Plan. We also passed a plan that sets out how a local church could leave The United Methodist denomination. This is not a departure from the official stance of the church but is intensified language.

The disaffiliation plan and much of the traditional plan are unconstitutional according to our Book of Discipline, which means it will never become church law. Please understand, there is a great fraction in the church. Some have taken the stance, that we must, “deal with the issue of homosexuality, so we can return to the business of being the church”. Others understand, “That as the church, any hate or violence spoken, written, or acted upon GLTBQ people is not rooted in the Gospel of Christ”.

You may be asking, “So where does this leave us? What will change at Fair Oaks UMC?” In many ways, nothing will change here at FOUMC. We will continue to welcome ALL people. We will continue to be radically inclusive. We will continue to welcome the stranger. We will continue to be in ministry with and for those in need. We will continue to be in solidarity with ANYONE that society deems as unredeemable.

In other ways, I believe we must begin to ask ourselves, what do we need to change to continue to live into the reality of being a Reconciling United Methodist Church? Have we recognized, honored, and proclaimed the awareness of the Divine in each person we’ve encountered? Have we seen and shared the light of Christ to all that cross our path? I know for me personally, the answer is no, I must confess, I have fallen short. I recommit myself to be rooted in God grace, and Growing in Jesus’ love. I pray that you’ll join me.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Kim Montenegro


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